Yes, you will either need to be a Basic Member or a Full Member to participate in Field Trips. 

Basic Members will NOT have access to Club Day.

SAFE is a support group that provides weekly co-op classes through Club Day, monthly activities such as field trips, skating, bowling, park days, and monthly membership meetings for parents for fellowship, connection, information, training, etc.  We also offer a yearbook, prom, and graduation ceremony at the end of the school year.  Yearly goals also include a science fair, history fair, and Presentation nights at the conclusion of the fall and spring Club Day semesters for students to showcase projects, plays, reports, art, etc. completed during their Club Day classes.  

Parents within our organization have also provided High School and Middle School socials for extra student fellowship in the form of City-wide Scavenger Hunts, Night Missions, Dodgeball, GaGa Ball, Game and movie nights, Nerf wars, Capture the Flag, etc.

We have vision to add more opportunities as parent volunteers step up to the plate.  We hope you’ll consider growing with us.

  • Click “REGISTER” in the upper right hand corner & choose your desired MEMBERSHIP TYPE.
  • Fill out the application form and submit payment via online or mailing a check to the address listed.
  • Once payment is received, your membership request will be presented to the SAFE Board for approval/denial.
  • Once logged in to the SAFE website you can add your spouse & children under your account, by visiting https://safehomeschool.org/manage-group
  • If approved, you will receive an email stating that you now have access to the SAFE website using the username and password created in the registration process.
  • If your application is not approved, you will receive an email stating that it has been denied and a refund will be issued.

You can find the most recent homeschool laws here: https://ed.sc.gov/districts-schools/state-accountability/home-schooling/

Yes, we have a dress code. All attendees, including students, teachers, parents/guardians, and guests, at any SAFE sponsored or affiliated event, including Co-op/Club Day.

  • Shorts, dresses, and skirts: Must be no higher than mid-thigh.
  • Midriffs: Must not be exposed.
  • Logos/Messages: No inappropriate logos or messages on clothing.
  • Footwear: Tennis shoes are required for gym time and outdoor activities for safety.
  • Jeans: Must be appropriate; be careful with the low-rise style. Slits and holes must not be higher than mid-thigh.
  • Shirts/Dresses: No strapless tops or dresses.
  • Undergarments: Must not be visible. Sheer tops must have an appropriate top underneath.
  • Necklines: No plunging necklines; no cleavage should be visible when standing, sitting, or bending over.
  • Leggings/Workout Pants: Cannot be worn as pants unless under a dress, skirt, or tunic-style top.
  • Swimwear: One-piece swimsuits for girls (or a two-piece covered with a t-shirt) and swim trunks for boys at water events.

Yes, SAFE plans several field trips each school year.

If you have a suggestion for a possible field trip or would like to plan and lead one, please contact the SAFE Board.

Parents are required to attend activities with their children. If a child is dropped off without a parent’s supervision, the parent will be called to come pick up the child. If you need to miss a day, you may ask another parent attending classes to be responsible for your child for that day only.

You MUST NOTIFY the Co-op Class/Club Day Coordinator and/or a member of the SAFE Board via phone call or text message stating who will be responsible for your student(s).

Yes, SAFE offers a variety of classes.

We provide a wide range of educational opportunities, including:

  • Science classes
  • Bible study classes
  • Anatomy & Health Science
  • Poetry
  • Creative Arts
  • U.S. History
  • Elementary Drama
  • High School Drama
  • Photography
  • Health & P.E.
  • And more

For more details on specific classes and schedules, please contact the SAFE Club Day Cordinator.


Due to the possibility of inclement weather, club day classes will be cancelled tomorrow, Jan 21, 2025.