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Middle School Christmas Party

First Assembly of God 151 Alice Dr, Sumter, SC, United States

Attire: Christmas PJs Note: Bring a Christmas ornament wrapped for our White Elephant Exchange. Girls bring individually wrapped snacks to share, and boys a drink to share.

High School Christmas Party

Sumter Baptist Temple 2295 Harper St, Sumter, United States

Attire: Wear your best Ugly Christmas Sweater, there will be a contest! Note: Please bring a wrapped $15 gift for the White Elephant Exchange and your favorite Christmas snack to share!

Make Up Picture Day!

First Assembly of God 151 Alice Dr, Sumter, SC, United States

For anyone who missed our initial picture day, a make-up session is scheduled for January 21st from 11:00 AM to 12:15 PM. If you plan to have your picture taken, […]


Due to the possibility of inclement weather, club day classes will be cancelled tomorrow, Jan 21, 2025.